COMING SOON: After the success of our Adoption U’s primordial training series for infantile adoption, we paired up with CAIRS Solutions and Child Welfare professionals to create our newest academic expansion: Foster Care Adoption.

“We do not need to know the beginning of a child’s story to change the ending.”

Fi Newood

Our Foster Care Adoption Parent Training Series

Fulfills Many State Requirements

Different types of adoptions have varying pre-adoption training requirements, and the requirements vary State-to-State, county-to-county, and parish-to-parish. Additionally, many adoptive agencies require some degree of curricula for potential adoptive parents.

Our Partners

We paired up with CAIRS Solutions LLC with creating our newest Adoption U training series for Foster Care Adoption. CAIRS Solutions LLC offers products, such as ParentFinder, ChildConnect, and other services that have helped foster care agencies, adoption agencies, attorneys and more with expediting the adoption process.


Our Foster Care Adoption training series is compiled of 14 modules, created with 95+ sources of research from academic journals, scholarly articles, videos, podcasts, and more, and our information is backed by Certified Child Welfare Professionals.

Helps Lead to Successful Adoptions

Children adopted from the Foster Care System are generally posed as higher risk for developing trauma responses, unhealthy attachment styles, and behavioral issues. Without proper preparation, adoptive families may struggle with understanding how to adapt and help ease the transition for the adoptive child. Proper training can help prevent adoption dissolutions and discontinuations, and lead to higher understanding of adoptees’ specific situations.


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Jane Done

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Jane Doe

Start your educational journey towards completing your family.

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